
Human rights applicable to all human beings irrespective of race, sex, age, color, language, religion or nationality. RIC is also contributing to the national efforts to improving rights situation through implementing rights-based projects and programs.
RIC has been working since long to establish rights of the older people along with the disadvantaged women, children engaged in child labor and tribal groups of coastal and northern districts.
RIC carried out all out efforts of improving livelihood situation, health, participation and dignity of older people through social and economic projects, advocacy efforts for linkage with GO-NGO services and policy change. RIC efforts to achieve SDG-10, in the reporting year served 314900 people under Rights interventions.
Older People Program(OPP):
Aged people are increasing in alarming rate day by day. If we don’t take initiatives, it would be more complicated and fatalistic. According to UN, the world is experiencing an age quake. Every month, one million people turn 60. By 2030, several industrial countries will have one third of their population over 60 (UN, 1999). In Bangladesh, eighty thousand new elderly people added to the over 60 age group each year (ESCAP, 1999).
Perceiving this dreadful situation of aging in Bangladesh, RIC is one of the pioneer non-government organization has taken initiative since 1989 to uplift ageing issue a priority in Bangladesh. Currently RIC’s largest program on older people is integrated income security program to improve the quality of lives of older people in Bangladesh and planned from 2021 to 2024 follows both international and national frameworks. RIC maintains strong linkages with the relevant SDG goals and targets, HelpAge program strategy and WHO and UN declared Healthy Ageing decade (2020-2030). Nationally RIC Program is carrying the mandates of National policy on Ageing and is working in coordination with the National Probeen Mancha a networking agency on ageing formed with the initiative of the PKSFand Forum for the Rights of Elderly in Bangladesh, (FREB).
RIC focus initiatives on older people program:
- Formation and Functioning of Community based Older People Association (OPA)
- Establishment of OP Center through community initiative
- Age friendly Microcredit support
- Providing Older People Allowance who are not included OAA of the government safety -net
- Observation the 'International Day of Older Persons (IDOP)' and 'Age with Rights' Campaign
- Humanitarian Support for the Vulnerable Oder People
Under 'Older People Program' following projects are implementing in different working area of RIC:
- Older People Welfare Programme (OWP)
- Improving Older People’s Livelihood through Community Initiative (OPLI- LIFT)
- Uplifting the Quality of the Lives of Elderly People Program
Major activities:
- Training for leadership development
- Old Age Allowance and monthly grants as Voron-Poshon
- Health care activities include Static Clinics, Satellite Clinics, Health Camps, Eye Camps, Ray-Machine Therapy, Diabetes Measurement
- Awarding to older people and Children for their sectorial contributions in the society
- Micro credit support for age friendly IGA
- Funeral support for the poor
- Material support for frail vulnerable OPs (Walking stick, Blanket, commode chair etc.)
- Social awareness campaign on Elderly issues
- Cultural Program
Achievement/Result during reporting period:
- 103 union based Older People Association (OPA) is functioning in 104 Unions
- 18 OP centers established
- OP allowance amongst 40 vulnerable older people
- 11278 OP provided flexible special micro credit for IGA
- 28 Wheel Chairs provided among frail vulnerable older people
- 3013 older people received eye care support including cataract operation to 347 and power glass to 860 OP
- 9 frail older women provided monthly assistance
- 778 OPs received physiotherapy
- 1850 (RIC-1000 & OP initiative 850) OP received warm clothes
RIC has been working for long to organized in community based Older People Association (OPA), these OPAs are strengthened to take several initiatives on older people issue through RIC’s advocacy, which was not happened before. Now they are united to face any situation and circumstance. There tasks are now example to others as well as good practice. Solve their problems by their own selves.
Response to the needs of older people amongst forcibly displaced citizen of Myanmar
RIC has been iimpementing the project as apartner of Helpage International in Cox Bazar District, Upazila: Ukhiya & Ramu, CAMP 8E, 14, 15, 18 & 2E
- Skill development training for the person with disabilities and Older People including female headed households
- Input materials support to practice life skill
- Awareness session and counselling for the PWD and their family members
- Support for the nutrition supplementary foods and assistive and dignity devices
Technical and Vocational Education and Training with Disability and Age Inclusion Project (TVET):
Resource Integration Center (RIC) have been implementing the project in Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar (Camp-2E, 8E, 14, 15, & 18 ) with the support of HelpAge International .The Objectives of the proposed project to promote Disability, Age and Gender Inclusive Self Reliance and Nutrition support program across the targeted Rohingya Camps. Main activities of the project are the Trade skills, awareness sessions on nutrition for the SAM (Severe Acute Nutrition) and MAM (Moderate Acute Nutrition) patients, Sign language sessions for the training participants and family members or caregivers of the speech and hearing impairments, field staff, physical exercise sessions for the training participants and their family members, and cooking demonstration session.
During the reporting period following are the completed activities:
Life skills and Trade base Skill Training: Under the project beneficiaries are provided with life skill training on Bamboo craft, Handicraft (Nakshi Katha and Cap), and Mat and fishing net making. During the reporting period 750 beneficiaries (Female-500, Male-250) have imparted technical skills training life skill and Basic Literacy through 40 training sessions. Training participants have made cap166 products as a part of training during this reporting period among thses100 Bamboo Craft Items (Basket, Pen holder, Soap holder) 3 Fishing Net , 22 mat, 41 nakshi kantha and cap are mentionable
Disability Inclusion Interventions: Regular session on Sign Language: 750 participants (Female-500, Male-250) of camp-2E, 8E, 14, 15, & 18 are transferred knowledge on sign language. There are 31 speech & hearing-impaired persons practicing sign language. Person having knowledge on sign language conducted 05 sessions during the reporting period.
Sign Language Interpretation on Cooking Demonstration: RIC has completed the Cooking Demonstration Session during the reporting period where sign language interpretation service was available for speech & hearing-impaired beneficiaries that increased actively participation of them in cooking demonstrations. RIC has conducted 15 cooking demonstrations to the 375 beneficiaries, among them 250 female and125 male
Home based session on Sign language: HelpAge International & RIC conducted home-based sign language sessions for the family members of the 50 hearing and speech-impaired training participants. During this reporting period 123 female & 21 male family members received basic sign language training. Under the project sign language training provide twice in a month.
Regular session on physical exercise and Home based care: In the skill development training session there is an event of older people friendly physical exercise session Home-based care sessions on the physical exercise of the family members or caregivers are also conducted participants so that even if the OP of the concern family forgets one exercise their family member or caregiver can help them. During this reporting period each participant has received 5 recap sessions on physical exercise and home-based care.
Assistive product distribution: Under the project 1165 assistive product has been distributed. All the assistive products usage was demonstrated by the training officer before distributing the assistive products to the beneficiaries. Among the devices Spectacles, lumber corset, hot water bag, walking stick knee cap are mentionable.
Nutrition Awareness Session: There are two types of nutrition sessions one with all the training participants and another nutrition session with the SAM and MAM patients of the training participants. A total of 10 training sessions have been conducted month of December. These are the special session for the 284 SAM and MAM patients of 5 working camps. In this reporting month, 142 SAM and MAM patients have been covered among them 47 were male and 95 were female.
Celebrated International Day of Person with Disabilities: On the occasion of “International Day of Person with Disabilities-2022”, RIC organized awareness sessions and indoor gamers in 5 camps with the existing training participants as well including other older people of the same camps. During day observation, RIC organized the below events:
Other activities during the reporting period:
Post Distribution Monitoring Survey Orientation: The monitoring & documentation officer has conducted the PDM orientation session.
Post Distribution Survey: HelpAge International & RIC has conducted a PDM survey in 5 camps covering the 10% of the project beneficiaries.
Monthly Coordination meeting: HelpAge International & RIC organized a monthly progress-sharing and coordination meeting with the project staff.
Cash distribution:
Under the project BDT 1,298,487.00 distributed To beneficiaries among 750 training participants, 20 volunteers/Cleaner/day guard/night guard/baby caregiver, 5 CDOs, and 15 resource persons, 15 cooking demo resource persons .
Capacity Building of Young Entrepreneurs for the Vitalization of the Digital Giga Island of MoheshKhali(CEVM):
The project aims to empower communities in Mohakhali (4 Unions & 1 Pourashava ) Island through capacity building and quality improvement of agro-fishery products to improve their income.
The particular focus is on strengthening the promising E-commerce ecosystem of the Island by empowering communities to vitalize the e-commerce system and by creating a suitable environment to manage the e-commerce system in an efficient way.
The project launched in January 2022, the total beneficiaries are 340 person among them 90 Young Entrepreneurs plus 250 Agri Producers. The project funded by KOICA, RIC jointly implementing the project with World Vision International.
Objective of the project are the
- Empowerment of young entrepreneurs to manage e-commerce
- Capacity building of producers to improve the quality of agro-fishery products
- Improved access to the e-commerce facilities and services
- Strengthened partnership for sustainable expansion of e-commerce
Main activities under the project includes Visit e-commerce center and mentoring support, Facilitate capacity building training for Entrepreneurs, Facilitate e-commerce capacity building, Facilitate business planning capacity building training, Conduct ToT for Central e-commerce committee members (ToT) , Facilitate monthly central e-commerce platform meeting training for entrepreneurs , E-commerce groups mobilization, Negotiation and linkage building efforts with MFIs, Provide input support to increase production Conduct training on pre and post-harvest management and food quality & safety for the producer group, Organize workshop with MFIs to introduce banking products for agro-fishery traders/ processors for establishing linkage, Provide Business HuB operations cost E-business Hub, Incentive support for e-commerce sector service recipients with voucher support . During the reporting period the project implemented following activities.
- Trained 90 young people on e-commerce, business promotion and 90 young people on ICT capacity building
- Provided input support to 250 producers to increase production and support for Visit-e-commerce center and monitoring support
Major achievement during the period :
Established 05 Youth Digital Business Hub in 04 unions and in Maheskhali Municipality
Established and functioning of 10 Fish Dyer in 03 Union
Five Solar Panel established at fish dryers in two unions & one Municipality
Seven solar power supported Streetlight have been established in two unions & one Municipality
Installed 7 Hand Tube well with Platform
Construction of #6 Fish Processing Center Floor Casting
Program for Adolescents
Adolescence is a very important phase of life. In the absence of proper guidance at this time, their lives can be lost in the darkness of despair and anarchy if they are not associated with good activities. To prevent social degradation and the development of desired values in individuals, families, and society at the grass-roots level, RIC has been implementing the Adolescent Program since 2019 with the support of PKSF at Sapahar, Mahadevpur, Pirojpur, Mathbaria, Tongibari and in all unions of Ramu Upazila with 9183 youth girls in 476 adolescent clubs and 8885 youth boys in 447 adolescent clubs.
This program is basically making a visible contribution to strengthening the basis of sustainable development by taking various initiatives in health and environmental protection. The major activities of the program are: 1) Social awareness activities; 2) Health awareness activities. 3) Soft skill development training and practices; 4) Leadership development activities; and 5) Cultural and sports activities.
Implementation of various social awareness activities for teenagers has been contributing to increasing human quality and social values among them. As a result, they are contributing to the development of a congenial environment in society through their position and health and nutrition awareness, resulting in good physical and mental health and increased awareness of food and nutrition. The program is also contributing to practicing and promoting local culture and heritage through different interventions thus a leadership quality is developing among the next generation of society.
Children were provided with education materials, books, School bag, and Uniform
To find out eligible students particularly school dropout children is very difficult without sincere cooperation from the officials of the concern department as student drop out from a school indicates negative impression on the performance of the school. However could overcome the situation and could enrolled requisite number of the students to operate Learning Center.